🌀SOAR: A voyage into the black hole singularity

Fausto Acuña
5 min readApr 14, 2021
There is strengh in numbers.

Let’s be honest, most blockchain projects are not successful, only in 2016 26,000 projects were launched, more than 92% are dead, either due to lack of marketing, delays in development by the team, perhaps they had some problem with the community or maybe just bad luck. There are countless projects that seem to be perfect in a technical document but in practice they are useless, either because they are not viable or because they lack certain components that could improve them. In the worst case scenario, the creator team stole users’ funds.

All these projects possess valuable ideas that unfortunately could not be implemented as the team designed it, as well as having a community of users and liquidity providers, as well as a development team. Let’s take an example with projects A, B and C, we will use conservative numbers;

Project A

  • Ideas: 1 and 2
  • Users: 400
  • Liquidity: 500k USD
  • Development progress: 80%

Project B

  • Ideas: 3 and 4
  • Users: 1,000
  • Liquidity: 1 Million USD
  • Development progress: 50%

Project C

  • Ideas: 5 and 6
  • Users: 2,000
  • Liquidity: $ 2 million
  • Development progress: 70%

The solution implemented by SOAR seeks to unify these projects under the same framework that allows the different teams to restructure and migrate their liquidity to new projects curated by the SOAR community, which is made up of developers from multiple independent teams, investors and users of the different projects that decide to migrate to SOAR.

The SOAR ecosystem will be a business incubator and meeting point between investors (liquidity providers) and developers, in which developers will be able to find the necessary liquidity to fund their projects, at the same time that investors will be able to have a dividend from their participation in the creation of future projects and may also eliminate liquidity between different projects according to their performance in the market.

Now suppose that projects A, B, and C decide to migrate to SOAR. Now SOAR is formed by the underlying of the migrated projects plus the modifications generated in the curation process. Current users of projects who decide to migrate to SOAR will receive airdrops of future projects launched in the ecosystem. As an example we have:

Project D (A + B + C)

  • Ideas (1,2,3,4,5 and 6 + 7 and 8 = 8 ideas)
  • Users (400 + 1000 + 2000 + 4000 = 7.4K users)
  • Liquidity (500k + 1M + 2M + 2M = 5.5M USD)
  • Development progress (100%)

By already having a previous community, the healing process in SOAR considerably increases the underlying assets available for the projects (ideas, community, liquidity and developers), which gives us a surprising final result.

What is SOAR?

The goal of SOAR as a black hole is to unify projects, not destroy them. That is why the migrator burns the tokens of the migrated projects, thus reducing their amount in circulation, which benefits the community of that project.

Liquidity Migrator (Black Hole)

There is strength in numbers, that is why SOAR is designed to accept any LP token (project + ETH), which are fractions of liquidity deposited in Uniswap. The protocol receives the LP liquidity (project + ETH), burns the tokens of the migrated project (does not dump), buys SOAR with half of the ETH and later the user receives its fraction of liquidity SOAR LP, which generates an exclusive token for investors called SOARx.

This token will be used for a collaborative software development platform (launchpad), SOARX holders will be automatically whitelisted and will get a guaranteed spot on NovaPAD token sales.

Liquidity Distributor (Super Nova)

The platform for launching community curated projects is called NovaPAD, which will be SOAR Star product, where the community will launch its curated projects through feedback, own experience from previous teams, tests, and community reward programs. Right there, different liquidity providers from different previous projects will be able to use their SOARx token to invest in new projects created in the community, under a truly decentralized development.

Frictionless Staking

Every SOAR transaction has a 1% fee that is distributed to every SOAR holder, who is earning staking rewards by just holding in their wallet.

Currently Uniswap providers earn 0.3% fee of every transaction, which make more profitable to hold SOAR in a private wallet rather than providing liquidity on Uniswap. If the majority of SOAR is holded outside Uniswap pool SOAR price will go to Gargantua🚀.


The team is preparing their own form of AMM where users will be able to exchange all tokens launched on the NovaPAD. We are going to remain stealth around this.

Besides this amazing features there are more SOAR products, like a perpetual trading contest, a data and transaction visualizer, a decentralized exchange and the implementation on the Binance Smart Chain. All this features are made for enhancing the SOAR ecosystem and the users experience.

Why SOAR will soar?

SOAR was launched without pre-sale, the team provided the liquidity on the Uniswap pool and recently they locked it for 2 years on team.finance. The SOAR token have an automatic yield mechanism which excludes the tokens providing liquidity and other kind of “big” wallets.

The team airdropped 40% of the circulation supply, first to 50 wallets from the first social media followers, second to users from differents projects that suffered from rug pulls.

The liquidity migrator makes it seamlessly the process of joining the SOAR ecosystem, which will give you a first seat ticket in the NovaPAD launchpad forever. NovaPAD will be the only place where we have decentralized development and funding of new projects.

SOAR has been audited by the leaders of smart contract security (solidity.finance and hacken.io).

In our next article we are going to cover the other products of SOAR, the volume harvesting contest, the network observer, SoarSwap, and the Binance Smart Chain integration.

This article is not endorsed by SOAR.FI and it is not intended to be taken as a financial advice, users must do their own research before trying to be part of the SOAR ecosystem.




Article writer telegram id: @miawivxx

